2023 Community Offerings Invitation to Various Public Events Presented by Monika Wikman and/or Guests of the Center for Alchemical Studies, a non-profit project of earthways.org |
Reimagining our Relationship to the Warrior Archetype in Service of Eros: Reflections on the Alchemy of Love and War (with Jung and Yeats)
An Evening of Reflection with Yeats and Jung with time for Active Imagination
JANUARY 5 - 8, 2023 Thursday: 7p - 9p ET (4p - 6p PT) | Zoom Event
Jung begins the most significant work of his life, The Mysterium Coniunctionis, with the simple alchemical pondering
about opposites: they will war, and will they come to unite in love? We sit with this question at the bottom of the psyche constellating intensely during our current times. This presentation will explore archetypal alchemical underpinnings to these forces in the individual and collective psyche. Myth, dreams, astrology, poetry and examples from human life will help us explore a healthier relationship to the warrior archetype and to the subtle presence of the ever renewing spirit of love alive in the psyche, which the warrior serves.
Community for Integrative Learning
2010 N. Bancroft Parkway Wilmington, DE 19806 - 302.540.0661
CIL is the educational arm of the Brandywine Pastoral Institute
The Community for Integrative learning
IRSJA Colloquia Supervision Group with special emphasis on applying the work of Nathan Schwartz Salant
JANUARY 19 - 21, 2023 | Santa Fe, NM (In-Person)
Thursday: 7p - 9p ET (4p - 6p PT)
Friday: 9a - 12:30 | 1:30p - 5p
Saturday: 9a - 12:30p | 1:30p - 5p
Sunday: 7a - 9a
Working with Dreams, Illness & Healing States of Consciousness
with Monika Wikman
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2023 | Zoom Lecture
PSYCHE AND ILLNESS: Dreams and Healing States of Consciousness
Friday: 7:30p - 9p ET
This lecture will focus on psyche, illness, dreams, and the somatic unconscious. We will consider how we can cultivate
healing states of consciousness through work with dreams and the somatic unconscious where psychosomatic unity reveals itself in ever-new ways.
PSYCHE AND ILLNESS: Dreams and Healing States of Consciousness
with special experiential emphasis on imagination and the somatic unconscious
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2023 | Zoom Workshop
Saturday: 1p - 4p ET
This workshop will focus on dreams and healing states via work with the imagination and the somatic unconscious. Our goals will be:To understand Jung’s theory of the somatic unconscious; To learn to recognize and gather somatic information from ourselves and our patients; To learn the basics of how to change fight-freeze-collapse-paralysis responses to stress and trauma into forming new neural pathways in a co-regulated, restorative relationship with the sensing body; To explore the concept of the subtle body in alchemy, yoga, and psychotherapeutic practices; To utilize the Jungian practice of the “active imagination” in relationship to the body as a process of therapeutic healing; To learn to identify the elements of “healing states of consciousness,” in which psychosomatic unity is present and can be developed.
MUSIC FROM THE UNDERWORLD: the Alchemical Imagination at work in Celtic Myth and Literature
MARCH 17, 2023 Philadelphia PA (Zoom)
FRIDAY Schedule 1p - 5p:
1p - 2p Introduction, Lecture exploring the Celtic Psyche (archetypal patterns: Mannan Mac Lir, Maeve, Eru)
2p - 3p Sharing assignments in the Large Group
3p - 3:15p break
3:15p - 4:30p Reading aloud the Old Age of Queen Maeve
4:30p - 5p Coniunctio Imagery in the Poetry of WB Yeats
In this four-hour seminar we will review a few elements of Irish history, culture and literature, looking into the structure of the psyche in myth and poetry specific to the Celtic imagination. Consideration will be given to the archetypes of the
feminine present in the celtic psyche personified as the Goddess Queen Maeve, and as the Goddess Eru. Connection to the “other world”, the archetypal world, will be taken up as we listen to the myths and read together the poetry out loud. The parallels to ancient alchemy and our experiences in analytical work will be discussed. Celtic wisdom illuminates ways to live with the subtle realms of imagination evident as we review what it means to grow “Silver Branch Perception” via the myth of Mannan Mac Lir, and the poetry of W.B. Yeats. We will have time for an active imagination experience inspired by the myth. And then we will end with a look at the ongoing work of the alchemical coniunctio, in the celtic imagination, as seen in the poem, Old Age of Queen Maeve, by W.B. Yeats.
Seminar Objectives
Participants will:
1. learn elements of Irish culture and history, including review of the 1916 Uprising and the resulting Celtic Revival that
swept through Ireland and brought a renewal of culture and vision that took place linked to primary sources of
2. identify some parallels of archetypal patterns between Irish and Greek myths illuminating the value of the divine
feminine unique to Irish culture.
3. learn elements of the archetypal patterns of celtic Queen Maeve that help with transformative processes and addiction in our analytic work.
4. learn more about the practice of active imagination and its important value as an analytic tool in our work.
A one or two page reection paper or art project of any kind. My hope is that you take whatever is being stimulated or
comes up for you and bring it to an art process or the page. You will not need to read them aloud, although there will be some time for some pieces to be read if one feels moved.
Required Reading:
You can select one of the three below for your required reading:
1. Kathleen Raines, W.B. Yeats and the Learning of the Imagination. Golongooza Press, 1999, London.
2. Mark Patrick Hederman, “The Wisdom Of W.B. Yeats: Thunder of a Battle fought in some other Star,” in Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Volume 79, Irish Culture and Depth Psychology, Putnam, Connecticut, June 23, 2008. (The article is attached to the email)
3. Sylvia Brinton Perera, Queen Maeve and Her Lovers: A Celtic Archetype of Ecstasy, Addiction and Healing.
Carrowmore Books New York, 1999.
Suggested Reading:
1. Mark Hederman, Art and our Future: The Haunted Inkwell. Specically chapters two and three: Art and Criticism and Poetry as Truth. Colombia Press, 2001, Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland.
A few of Yeats' poems to inspire us:
- The Old Age of Queen Maeve
- The Song of Wandering Aengus
- The Valley of the Black Pigs
- From Celtic Twilight

Mystery of Hope and Resilience Conference
County Limerick, Ireland (In-Person)
MARCH 20 - 26, 2023
An Alchemical Perspective on Where Deep Peace Comes From in the Psyche with Monika Wikman.
Reflections on the hard work with the opposites and the openings to transcendent peace.
County Limerick, Ireland (In-Person)
MARCH 20 - 26, 2023
An Alchemical Perspective on Where Deep Peace Comes From in the Psyche with Monika Wikman.
Reflections on the hard work with the opposites and the openings to transcendent peace.
Jung Platform Summit
MARCH 30 - APRIL 2, 2023
MARCH 30 - APRIL 2, 2023
Reimagining our Relationship to the Warrior Archetype in Service of Eros: Reections on the Alchemy of Love and War (with Jung and Yeats)
Zoom Event
APRIL 13, 2023
Thursday: 7p - 9p ET (4p - 6p PT)
An Evening of Reflection with Yeats and Jung with time for Discussion and Active Imagination
Jung begins the most signicant work of his life, The Mysterium Coniunctionis, with the simple alchemical pondering
about opposites: they will war, and will they come to unite in love? We sit with this question at the bottom of the psyche constellating intensely during our current times. This presentation will explore archetypal alchemical underpinnings to these forces in the individual and collective psyche. Myth, dreams, astrology, poetry and examples from human life will help us explore a healthier relationship to the warrior archetype and to the subtle presence of the ever renewing spirit of love alive in the psyche, which the warrior serves.
Community for Integrative Learning
2010 N. Bancroft Parkway Wilmington, DE 19806 - 302.540.0661
CIL is the educational arm of the Brandywine Pastoral Institute
Zoom Event
APRIL 13, 2023
Thursday: 7p - 9p ET (4p - 6p PT)
An Evening of Reflection with Yeats and Jung with time for Discussion and Active Imagination
Jung begins the most signicant work of his life, The Mysterium Coniunctionis, with the simple alchemical pondering
about opposites: they will war, and will they come to unite in love? We sit with this question at the bottom of the psyche constellating intensely during our current times. This presentation will explore archetypal alchemical underpinnings to these forces in the individual and collective psyche. Myth, dreams, astrology, poetry and examples from human life will help us explore a healthier relationship to the warrior archetype and to the subtle presence of the ever renewing spirit of love alive in the psyche, which the warrior serves.
Community for Integrative Learning
2010 N. Bancroft Parkway Wilmington, DE 19806 - 302.540.0661
CIL is the educational arm of the Brandywine Pastoral Institute
IRSJA Colloquia Supervision Group with special emphasis on applying the work of Nathan Schwartz Salant
APRIL 14 - 16, 2023 | Santa Fe, NM (In-Person)
Friday: 9a - 12:30 | 1:30p - 5p
Saturday: 9a - 12:30p | 1:30p - 5p
Sunday: 7a - 9a
APRIL 14 - 16, 2023 | Santa Fe, NM (In-Person)
Friday: 9a - 12:30 | 1:30p - 5p
Saturday: 9a - 12:30p | 1:30p - 5p
Sunday: 7a - 9a
Minnesota Seminar in Jungian Studies 2022 - 2023 (Invitational) | St. Paul, MN
MAY 13 - 14, 2023
Healing States of Consciousness: Working with the Somatic Unconscious via Alchemical Embodiment Processes with Emphasis on the Subtle Body with Monika Wikman
In this seminar, we will explore the somatic unconscious and the alchemical mystery of the “subtle body” in theory and
practice and examine the value of this work for discovering healing states of consciousness where spirit and body are united in greater psychological harmony. We will investigate responses to trauma in the nervous system that activate fight, freeze, collapse, and paralysis and venture into how we can form neural pathways instead from co-regulated restorative relationship with the sensing body. The poly vagal theory will be reviewed as background for learning about self-regulation with activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to create well-being, inner harmony and peace. We will take this somatic reective and also interpersonal alchemical work into relationship with the imagination to amplify healing states of consciousness and grow our capacity to cultivate the healing eld of the psyche and psychoid where healing happens. Reviewing the alchemical work in analysis with the subtle body via the alchemical teaching the “axiom of maria”will explore the intricate subtlety of clinical work and the growing of the Self structures.
MAY 13 - 14, 2023
Healing States of Consciousness: Working with the Somatic Unconscious via Alchemical Embodiment Processes with Emphasis on the Subtle Body with Monika Wikman
In this seminar, we will explore the somatic unconscious and the alchemical mystery of the “subtle body” in theory and
practice and examine the value of this work for discovering healing states of consciousness where spirit and body are united in greater psychological harmony. We will investigate responses to trauma in the nervous system that activate fight, freeze, collapse, and paralysis and venture into how we can form neural pathways instead from co-regulated restorative relationship with the sensing body. The poly vagal theory will be reviewed as background for learning about self-regulation with activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to create well-being, inner harmony and peace. We will take this somatic reective and also interpersonal alchemical work into relationship with the imagination to amplify healing states of consciousness and grow our capacity to cultivate the healing eld of the psyche and psychoid where healing happens. Reviewing the alchemical work in analysis with the subtle body via the alchemical teaching the “axiom of maria”will explore the intricate subtlety of clinical work and the growing of the Self structures.
At the Doorway between Worlds: Jung, Yeats, and the Celtic Alchemical Imagination Welcoming Beltane & “Music from the Otherworld - In This World” with Monika Wikman MAY 19 - 21, 2023 Tesuque, NM Finally, after the hiatus due to COVID, I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to the community gathering in Tesuque to pick up our work with the subtle body through our own dreams and Celtic myth and lore. (In terms of COVID, I just ask that you self-test before you attend.) Designed around the celtic calendar, this seminar will ponder and enter into the myths and symbols of ancient Celtic Spirituality to open our consciousness to the alchemical mysteries of the Unus Mundus, the one world, where eternal and temporal, visible and invisible worlds join hands in our midst. Yeats poetry that brings in this wisdom will be read and shared among us. Time for active imagination and writing exercises to help us activate our connection to the divine, to the Imagination, will have priority. In terms of content, special attention will be given to Beltane mysteries and the music between the worlds. The Celtic doorway into the subtle body mysteries link us to Sophia in gnosticism and in Jung's work, and lives at the foundation of our lives. With meditation, active imagination exercises and group processes, we will be co-creating the subtle body field together. Dates: May 19 - 21, 2023 Location: 1536 Bishops Lodge Road, Tesuque, NM Times: Fri. 6pm to 9pm, Sat. 9:30am to 4:30pm (lunch included and dinner included 5pm), Sun. 9:30am to 1pm (leisurely lunch included) Fee: $525 To Register: Contact Susan Steffy at 505-469-0430 or [email protected] Suggested Readings: The Learning of the Imagination, by Kathleen Raines. The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness, Monika Wikman, Chapter 4, 5, 6. Jung on active imagination, J. Chodorow (Ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1997). Jung on active imagination, J. Chodorow (Ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Monika Wikman, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and astrologer. Author of Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness, she has also contributed chapters, articles and poems to various books and journals. Monika enjoys guiding retreats locally and abroad and her podcast interviews can be found at shrinkrapradio.com. |
ON THE THRESHOLD: The Experience of Liminality
Worcester College, Oxford (Conference & Webinar)
AUG 25 - 27, 2023
2pm Friday - 2pm Sunday
In this year’s conference Monika Wikman and Tom Elsner will explore with us the experience of liminal states with
reference to working with the somatic unconscious and growing the subtle body; and as a symbolic death central to the transformation of consciousness.
Monika writes, "the alchemical waters of the unconscious are portrayed as coming from below and above and our work is in the liminal space between. In his Zarathustra lectures Jung speaks about the ‘somatic unconscious’ as a subtle body in relationship with the physical body. He makes the important distinction between the psychic unconscious and the somatic unconscious. The healing intermediary realm of the subtle body happens as we learn to work with the somatic unconscious as well as the psychic unconscious; and create the living waters from above and below to help the psyche come into her fullness."
In her first lecture, she will draw on the symbolism of the alchemical fugitive stag to illuminate this process.
And in her second lecture, she will enable us to utilize active imagination to create an ‘alchemical laboratory’ in which to explore growing the subtle body.
Tom will explore liminal states of symbolic death and rebirth as they appear in ancient medieval alchemy, Romantic poetry and Jungian psychology. He writes: "There is a little known spiritual/psychological tradition of initiatory death and rebirth that runs like a golden thread throughout alchemy, Romanticism and depth psychology."
In his first lecture he will explore the imagery of figurative death as a liminal state, a state of being at a transformational threshold as it appears within these three traditions. Examples will be oered from dreams and personal life. His second lecture will explore the question: ‘What can individuals hope to contribute to the problem of war, the possible elimination of the human in the face of cyber-physical systems, the disintegration of meaning, the pandemic, and other crises that confront us all in the modern world?’ This lecture will build on the first and apply liminal imagery of symbolic death as a transformation process to contemporary collective issues, particularly the evolution of Western solar/patriarchal consciousness through a return of the repressed lunar/matriarchal consciousness of the past and present.
Worcester College, Oxford (Conference & Webinar)
AUG 25 - 27, 2023
2pm Friday - 2pm Sunday
In this year’s conference Monika Wikman and Tom Elsner will explore with us the experience of liminal states with
reference to working with the somatic unconscious and growing the subtle body; and as a symbolic death central to the transformation of consciousness.
Monika writes, "the alchemical waters of the unconscious are portrayed as coming from below and above and our work is in the liminal space between. In his Zarathustra lectures Jung speaks about the ‘somatic unconscious’ as a subtle body in relationship with the physical body. He makes the important distinction between the psychic unconscious and the somatic unconscious. The healing intermediary realm of the subtle body happens as we learn to work with the somatic unconscious as well as the psychic unconscious; and create the living waters from above and below to help the psyche come into her fullness."
In her first lecture, she will draw on the symbolism of the alchemical fugitive stag to illuminate this process.
And in her second lecture, she will enable us to utilize active imagination to create an ‘alchemical laboratory’ in which to explore growing the subtle body.
Tom will explore liminal states of symbolic death and rebirth as they appear in ancient medieval alchemy, Romantic poetry and Jungian psychology. He writes: "There is a little known spiritual/psychological tradition of initiatory death and rebirth that runs like a golden thread throughout alchemy, Romanticism and depth psychology."
In his first lecture he will explore the imagery of figurative death as a liminal state, a state of being at a transformational threshold as it appears within these three traditions. Examples will be oered from dreams and personal life. His second lecture will explore the question: ‘What can individuals hope to contribute to the problem of war, the possible elimination of the human in the face of cyber-physical systems, the disintegration of meaning, the pandemic, and other crises that confront us all in the modern world?’ This lecture will build on the first and apply liminal imagery of symbolic death as a transformation process to contemporary collective issues, particularly the evolution of Western solar/patriarchal consciousness through a return of the repressed lunar/matriarchal consciousness of the past and present.
Monika Wikman, PhD, is a Jungian analyst, clinical psychologist, astrologer and author of
Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness. A graduate of the Jung–Von Franz Center for Depth Psychology in Zürich, she taught for many years in the graduate department at California State University, Los Angeles, and was a dream researcher at UCSD Medical Center with cancer patients investigating 1500 dreams in her project on dreams of the dying. She hosts a non-prot project under Earthways.com, The Center for Alchemical Studies. She lives in Santa Fe, NM and Gaviota, CA. Podcasts with Monika on various topics can be found at Shrinkrapradio.com, and SpeakingofJung.com. |
Thomas Elsner, JD, MA, is a certied Jungian analyst practicing in Santa Barbara,
California, and a graduate of the Jung–Von Franz Center for Depth Psychology in Zurich. A core faculty member and highly respected lecturer at Pacica Graduate Institute for many years where he taught courses on depth psychology and alchemy, Thomas has lectured and led workshops nationally and internationally. A recipient of the distinguished annual Fay Lecture series in analytical psychology, his book on Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s epic poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner will be published in summer of 2023. |
COMING BACK TO LIFE (Invitational Retreat) Ocate NM SEP 10 - 16, 2023 A. Imagination and the Ally: Feeding your alchemical stone B. Residential Nature-based Alchemical Retreat including Grof® Breathwork, Dreamwork, Sound Medicine, Movement, Land based walks and meditation, Writing & Creative Art. http://www.ocamora.org/ |
JUNG IN SPAIN: Annual Fall Seminar
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE: Language of the Soul with Ann Belford Ulanov, MDiv, PhD, Earl Collins, PhD, Aryeh
Maidenbaum, PhD and Monika Wikman, PhD
NOV 8 - 15, 2023
Experience an exciting combination of in-depth presentations on the language of the soul. Join our superb faculty,
including Earl Collins, Ann Belford Ulanov, Aryeh Maidenbaum and Monika Wikman and visit notable sites, among
them Avila and Toledo.
Monika's Two Contributions:
Nov 11: John of the Cross: Visionary Mystic and Poet with Wisdom for Our Times
Nov 13: Alchemical Tongues: the Passion of the Soul Alive in Spanish Hebrew Poets in Christian and Islamic Middle Ages
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE: Language of the Soul with Ann Belford Ulanov, MDiv, PhD, Earl Collins, PhD, Aryeh
Maidenbaum, PhD and Monika Wikman, PhD
NOV 8 - 15, 2023
Experience an exciting combination of in-depth presentations on the language of the soul. Join our superb faculty,
including Earl Collins, Ann Belford Ulanov, Aryeh Maidenbaum and Monika Wikman and visit notable sites, among
them Avila and Toledo.
Monika's Two Contributions:
Nov 11: John of the Cross: Visionary Mystic and Poet with Wisdom for Our Times
Nov 13: Alchemical Tongues: the Passion of the Soul Alive in Spanish Hebrew Poets in Christian and Islamic Middle Ages